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Drumline Class Info

All Inclusive Community Classes & Performance Groups             


(All Ages, Levels & Abilities Welcome)


& in person



$35  - 45mins ZOOM Class | $80 - 90mins In Person Class 

Contact Brian to Book Your First Class! (All you need is a practice pad & drum sticks to start)



Frequently Asked Questions

What Performance Group Classes are available?

- Currently the Calhoun Drum Academy only offers "Drumline" This class is all inclusive and open to adults 18 & up. - Select Teenagers 14 & up may be considered - Additional Classes/Performance Groups related to the Marching Arts for Adults, Teens and Youth Classes are still under development at this time - Drumline is a performance based group class. Drumline is offered as Hybrid and includes both 90mins in person and 45mins ZOOM classes.   - In Person Rehearsals/Classes for the Drumline are held 1x per month on a Tuesday in the St. Kilian School Cafeteria in Farmingdale, NY. - ZOOM Rehearsals/Classes for the Drumline are also held 1x per month, usually on the last Monday of each month. - Great for Self-Direction!  Brian Calhoun Music and Drums Inc. is an approved vendor for people who receive self directed services through ISS, AIM, EEDA, RCIL, A1 Universal Care, ACDS & Citizens Options Unlimited (AHRC).

How do I pay for Classes?

- An invoice will be emailed to you for every Class you take through the Calhoun Drum Academy.  - You can pay class by class or Monthly if you are full time student - I accept Cash, Check, Venmo and PayPal - I also accept Direct Pay by check through a Fiscal Intermediary (FI) for people who receive Self-Directed services and pay through their class budget.  I am an approved vendor for ISS (Independent Support Services), AIM Services, Inc., EEDA (East End Disabilities Associates), RCIL (Resource Center for Independent Living), A1 Universal Care and Citizens Options Unlimited (AHRC).  If you receive services through a different FI, I am happy to discuss becoming an approved Vendor for your FI so you may utilize your class budget for lessons and classes. Email: to discuss payment options - Reminder Brian Calhoun Music and Drums Inc. and the Calhoun Drum Academy is not under the auspices of OPWDD regulations and is not mandated to follow OPWDD guidance for service provision. For guidance: If a student is using Self Direction Direct Pay services, invoice's not received within 30 days of the invoice submission to the instructed FI, the student is responsible to pay the pending invoice in full prior to your next private drum lesson or class with the Calhoun Drum Academy. - If a Fiscal Intermediary (FI) Payroll fails to provide the lesson or class payment in a timely manner repeatedly, Brian Calhoun Music and Drums Inc. reserves the right to discontinue direct pay supportive invoicing and will request the payment be made out of pocket from the student.

What is your cancelation policy?

- Respectfully, please give Brian 24hrs advanced notice if you are not able to make your class day or time, this way he can schedule his day accordingly.  - Emergency cancellations will be handled on a one-on-one basis - NO SHOWS:  If a student is a full time student and does not give 24hrs prior notice and fails to show up for a scheduled class, the student will be charged for the missed class - In the event Brian needs to re-schedule the class day or time he will always give advanced notice and offer flexible options to schedule a make up class. - Respectfully, Full time Drumline Members are required to give 2 weeks notice if you decide to stop or take a break from lessons or classes.  If you take a break from the Drumline your previous role and instrument is not guaranteed to be available if you rejoin the Drumline in the future.


© 2025 by Brian Calhoun Music and Drums Inc.  

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